ATL Community Please .ake a contribution to this young mans family. They are trying to raise $15,000 to pay for hia funeral. Pleaae spread the word.
Happy 83rd Heavenly birthday to Judge Marvin S. Arrington, Sr. Thank you for EVERYTHING. We love you and we miss you.
SALUTE @ricowadedf @king3murray @sleepybrown Reposted from @queuebeats_promo Dem Boyz who brought the Noize #flashbackfriday #realatlanta #dungeonfamily #livinglegends #legacy #swats #atlanta #oldatlanta #bolegsfilm #ONP
Thank you, @outfrontmediausa, for gonoring the life and legacy of Marvin Stephens Arrington, Sr @bolegsatl. Legacy Lives Forever #BoLegs #BoLegsFilm #MarvinArringtonSr #OldAtlanta #Legacy #ATL #Atlanta #History #BlackHistory #CityCouncil #ATL #Atlanta #History #BlackHistory #Documentary #OnlyInGeorgia #WeLoveATL #Arrington #Law […]
Reposted from @mooreforatlanta Rest in Perfect Peace. Thank you for representing and caring for Atlanta. May God Bless your friends and family. It was my sincere honor to know you.