ATL Community @bolegsatl @dcgathers @spotonrw @spotontk #thankyou @docujourney_productions @askdst #bolegs #atlantainfluenceseverything #atl #atlanta #dc #wasingtondc #oldatlanta #thea
Attention ALL college students that live in Fulton County or attend a college or university in Fulton County, GA, enter our all It Takes A Village College Essay Competition. Prizes: 10 – $500 Book Scholarships (one submission per student) Topics: On May 11, 2023 the Biden Administration declared the end of […]
Reposted from @montyross95 Repost• @nikkolas_smith – Imagine a teenager named Ralph Yarl rings your doorbell, and your immediate (racist and hate filled) response is to shoot him in the head… – Imagine being such a terrible human being that your next move is to shoot Ralph AGAIN, after he falls to the […]
Join us today at the Henry Mcneal Turner National Alumni Association 10am to 6pm All alumni from classes 1953 To 1990.
Thanks @justdorsha for featuring Bo Legs on your Wisdom Wedmesdsys. #BoLegs #BoLegsFilm #MarvinArringtonSr #OldAtlanta #Legacy #ATL #Atlanta #History #BlackHistory #Cinema #CityCouncil #ATL #Atlanta #History #BlackHistory #Documentary #OnlyInGeorgia #WeLoveATL #Arrington #Law #Attorney #Judge […]